Payout Data
Utilizing the MidwayPlus API, you can retrieve Payout data after Stripe completes a Payout.
API Endpoint
The API endpoint is /Brands/v1/Accounting/Payouts. Query by date to retrieve all payouts for Brands you have claim to.
Interpreting the Data
{ "type": "Stripe", "id": "po_1Njayq2HLTfxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "currency": "usd", "netAmountRemitted": -174.08, "date": "2023-08-28T00:00:00Z", "transactions": [ { "id": "re_3NLuqb2HLxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "salesOrders": [ "161295-1" ] "amount": -283.51, "processorFee": 0, "midwayPlusAmount": -27.52 }, { "id": "pi_3NicMa2xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "salesOrders": [ "169142-1" ], "amount": 95.4, "processorFee": 3.07, "midwayPlusAmount": 10.42 } ] }
- type: Type is always Stripe, potentially a different provider in the future.
- id: The ID of the payout, for Stripe, this is the Payout Id.
- currency: The currency of the payout
- netAmountRemitted: The net amount remitted, or in the case of negatives, the amount charged by the provider.
- date: The date of the Payout
- transactions[].id: This is the Transaction Id. For Stripe, it is either the Payment Intent Id or the Refund Id.
- transactions[].salesOrders: This is the list of sales orders related to this transaction in MidwayPlus. For pre-paid orders, there will only be one sales order. For customers that pay on terms, there could be several sales orders related to a payment.
- transactions[].amount: The dollar amount of the transaction. Charges will be positive, Refunds will be negative.
- transactions[].processorFee: The transaction fee the processor, e.g. Stripe, takes.
- transactions[].midwayPlusAmount: The amount of the transaction diverted to MidwayPlus for taxes or other fees. Note that, in the case of refunds, MidwayPlus refunds the tax amount to the Brand for the amount they have refunded their customer. The example above shows a -27.52 midwayPlus amount as an example of this.